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Texas Christian University is committed to fostering a culture promoting ethical conduct 和 requires compliance with all applicable law, regulations 和 policies. 合规 officers reside within various departments, working to manage the vast array of activities in which the university engages, many of which have legal obligations 和 policy responsibilities. The Office of 合规 coordinates the compliance efforts, providing an independent compliance function for the university, reporting to the Chancellor 和 providing regular updates to the Audit, Risk 和 合规 Committee of the Board of Trustees. 

The Office of 合规 functions in partnership with University leadership to:

  • monitor, facilitate 和 ensure University compliance with all federal 和 state regulations 和法律;
  • monitor the effectiveness of compliance efforts 和 related activities, identify appropriate accommodations to improve effectiveness, identify risk exposure 和 corrective or preventative measures, 和 conduct follow-up to assess the effectiveness of recommendations; 和 
  • promote compliance awareness 和 serve as a resource in developing or improving short-term 和 long-term compliance related processes institution-wide.  

Additionally, the Office of 合规, in conjunction with the Division of Human Resources, manages the University's 道德 & 合规 Hotline.  

 Report a Concern

Each one of us, regardless of position, shares the responsibility for creating 和 promoting an ethical culture.  One way you can help is to share your concerns, questions 和 suggestions with your supervisor or manager, other University administrators, or 合规 Officers.  If you don't feel comfortable reporting your concerns to a University representative, you can make a report via the TCU伦理 & 合规 Hotline.  TCU has contracted with a third-party provider, NAVEX Global - 道德Point, to assist its faculty, staff, 和 students in reporting activities 和 actions which may involve violation of University policies or other misconduct.  道德Point acts as a confidential 和 independent provider to send your report automatically to TCU.      

We encourage you to report any concerns you may have regarding unethical activity, such as fraud, discrimination, sexual harassment, retaliation, 和 more.  TCU的 道德 & 合规 Hotline allows you to communicate your concerns 和 enables you to remain anonymous if you so choose, while supporting University policies that reinforce the expectations that employees making a good faith report not be subject to retaliation.  For more information on how 和 when to report, visit 然后点击 常见问题解答 link.   

TCU strictly prohibits 和 does not tolerate retaliation against any member of its community who files a report of suspected fraudulent, dishonest, or illegal conduct.  No member of the University community may interfere with the good faith reporting of a suspected or actual violation; no individual who makes such a report shall be subject to retaliation, including harassment or any adverse employment, academic or educational consequence, as a result of making a report.   


道德Point is not an emergency service.  To report emergencies or incidents posing immediate threat to life or property, please dial 911 to reach local authorities or contact the TCU Police Department at 817-257-7777 or by dialing 7777 from any campus 电话.