
中心 & 研究院

TCU uses its leadership position to connect learners and experts with common goals. 这些新濠天地十大棋牌中心和研究所表明了大学的承诺 与我们的社区和世界分享知识和资源,支持角人 Frog family as they serve the greater good.

Student discussion in Rees-Jones Hall

AddRan College Center for Digital Expression

The Center for Digital Expression (CDEx) supports digital composing, research and teaching while exploring the intersection between emerging technologies. 数字熟练 training services are offered for TCU students, faculty and staff.

安德鲁斯数学研究所 & 科学教育

Through creative research and ongoing educational outreach, the Andrews Institute 促进数学和科学的创新教学技术,同时服务于 社区.

ANSERS: the Alice Neeley Special Education 研究 & 服务研究所

与TCU的两所实验学校合作,为有学习差异的儿童提供服务(Starpoint) 和KinderFrogs), ANSERS通过以下方式促进特殊教育的创新和变革 exemplary teaching, research and 社区 outreach.

Center for Languages and 文化s

CLC为所有语言学习者和系内教师提供资源 现代语言研究,西班牙语和西班牙语研究,包括辅导,媒体 工作室空间,电脑,电子设备,以及外语媒体和教学 工具.

TCU’s Center for Lighting Education

This center gives students and professionals hands-on learning and the ability to mock up design vignettes to evaluate the impact of lighting. 经历不同 光线的质量是室内设计方案和相关建筑的核心 灯光设计.

Center for Merchandising Education and 研究

通过将教育与商业行业联系起来,该中心具有意义 业界合作伙伴关系,加强教育和发展TCU的销售 学生和教师.

肿瘤教育中心 & 研究

自2007年以来,该中心为合作提供了机会和项目 learning and research between faculty, students and 社区 partners for matters 肿瘤相关护理. TCU has the nation’s only nursing program with a designated 肿瘤学重点方向.

公众教育中心 (CPE)

Recognizing education as a civil and human right, CPE addresses issues that impact students, educators, schools and communities. The center is involved in various initiatives, strengthening public education by building partnerships and promoting research.


Located in one of the fastest-growing metro areas in the nation, the center brings together students and industry leaders to connect, evaluate and innovate solutions that will transform the future of real estate. Through a multidisciplinary approach, 该中心专注于伦理、研究和分析、现实世界的商业实践、 industry trends, mentorship and outreach.

Center for Supply Chain Innovation

该中心通过一个动态的、集成的端到端来检查供应链的各个方面 通过前沿研究和课程培养创新和见解. 该中心与来自各行各业的商业领袖和专家合作,带来 real-world opportunities and challenges into the classroom, through case studies, 参观设施,比赛,指导和交流机会,职业探索 和更多的.


Through special events and publishing, this academic resource unit is dedicated to 保存、分享和纪念德克萨斯州独特的遗产,为教育工作者和学生 整个社会.


该中心促进关键城市和城市发展的研究和跨学科教育 都市问题,与沃斯堡和更大的北方地区的组织合作 德州地区.

TCU IdeaFactory

The place where ideas come to life. Merging entrepreneurial spirit with design thinking, TCU创意工厂为有意向的学生提供资源、资金和建议 to impact their communities and enact social change. 


一个评估和改进治疗策略的国家研究中心 减少药物滥用、相关的精神健康和社会问题以及公共卫生 risks — especially HIV/AIDS and infections among at-risk populations.

Institute for Environmental Studies

部门、机构、政府和企业之间的合作创造了 一个独特的教育经验,其中的研究,教学和伙伴关系的结果 integrated solutions to local and global environmental issues.


牧场管理学院与学生、教师和校友共同努力 educational partnerships with private industry, institutions, and governments all over the world, addressing the management of agricultural resources.

Karyn Purvis Institute of Child Development

该研究所以其已故创始人的名字命名,其使命是研究、教育、 training and outreach to improve the lives of children who have experienced abuse, 忽视和/或创伤.

Koehler Center for Instruction, Innovation, and Engagement

这个校园中心与教学人员、部门/单位和行政部门合作 促进促进参与的创新学习方法和技术 提高学习能力.


该中心致力于保存和分享拉丁/拉丁古典音乐的独特性 music and is home to the renowned annual 拉丁美洲音乐节, founded 20 years ago by Germán Gutiérrez, professor of orchestral studies.

LiiNK (Let’s Inspire Innovation ’N Kids Center)

这项于2012年启动的研究和培训项目已经取得了一些有希望的发现 相关游戏的力量为小学生,弥合差距 academics and students’ social, physical and emotional health.

Luther King Capital Management Center for Financial Studies

LKCM中心提供资源、会议和项目来提高学术水平 and careers of TCU finance students, faculty and industry professionals.

米勒的演讲 & 听到诊所

自1975年以来,该资源中心一直为北德克萨斯人提供临床服务 speech, language, hearing or swallowing problems. Referrals to the clinic may be made 医生,语言病理学家,听力学家,心理学家,教育家, health care professionals or by individuals.


TCU houses one of the largest university-based meteorite collections in the world. 这些藏品既用于学术研究,也用于公众 宣传,其中有 样本 display in an interactive gallery open to the public.

TCU Neeley Center for Executive 领导

对公司和个人开放,该中心提供持续的一般和定制 帮助个人和商业组织发展并充分发挥其潜力的项目 领导潜力.

TCU Neeley Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

这所受欢迎的学院培养跨校园的创新思维,以激发创业精神 每个新濠天地十大棋牌的学生都有火花. Students receive the education, opportunities and 通过竞赛、加速器项目、奖学金、 实习等等.

TCU Neeley Professional Development Center

Neeley business students receive valuable 工具, one-on-one coaching and feedback to confidently hone their personal brand for success. 资源包括自我意识 assessment, personal blueprint, business writing, résumé assistance and polishing 面试技巧.

TCU Pre-健康 Professions Institute

100多年来,这条学术路线为学生们准备了研究生 学习牙科、医学、兽医学和验光,以及内科 助理和药房项目. Its acceptance rate to medical schools averages 80 percent — twice the national average.


拉尔夫·洛能源研究所将学生和经验丰富的新濠天地十大棋牌人士联系起来, 讨论和创新可持续的解决方案,为我们的国家和世界提供动力 为了子孙后代. From oil and gas to solar and nuclear energy, the institute 培养行业关系,进行研究并开发人力资本 will guide us through the next energy transition.


销售中心提供了一种实际操作的咨询方法,反映了现实世界 销售问题,竞争,配额和客户勘探,给学生 skill sets, knowledge and edge they need to thrive in a career in sales.

Tandy Center for Executive 领导

排名靠前的TCU商学院为新濠天地十大棋牌人士和商业人士开设了非学位课程 组织磨练他们的技能,发展新的思维和发现新的方法 to reach their fullest 领导潜力.


TRIO is an initiative of The Higher Education Act of 1964. TCU主办两个联邦 资助的TRIO项目支持来自弱势背景的大学生:学生 Support Services and the Ronald E. McNair Post-baccalaureate Achievement Program.

威廉L. 亚当斯写作中心

本中心的新濠天地十大棋牌和同行写作顾问提供有用的反馈 任何体裁的写作项目向TCU的学生、教职员工和所有学术人员开放 TCU的学科和学院.